The afternoon is sunny, on Raven Street the people is out on their gardens after dinner. All the city is lit by
orange color from the sun, the few clouds on the sky are blurred and scattered - except on top of the mountains, on
that site the clouds gets grey color and the fog starts to cover the mountains.
Fred is ready to go on the Mary's friends party, he takes the flashlight - Maybe he will need it. Then comes out of
home, Mary is on his garden waiting. When sees Fred smiles and both go to the Fred's car.
- We will have a great time, Fred!
- Yeah! I hope it so!
Fred starts the car and they go out of Raven Street.
- Mary, please... Don't say to your friends that I'm a detective - I don't want they start to
thinking strange things about me.
- Okay, but you told me that you will stop of this work, right?
- Yes, I will - When we discover what happened on Raven Street.
- Okay...
Mary looks out of the car window sad, she is not sure if they will can discover all happened ten years ago.
10 Minutes later
Mary is showing to Fred the way to the party, the car arrives to the mountains. The site is full of bushes and
leafless trees, the highway looks new and the sky becomes dark and foggy. In the distance is the house of the
party. When the car arrives Fred and Mary sees two cars more near the house. Fred parks the car, they go out and
looks to three boys coming out of one of the cars. Mary raises her hand and the boys comes to her.
- Lucas, Joe and Jairo! Hi! This is my new friend, Fred!
Lucas wears shorts, black trainers and a tank top, he is a little fat with brown hair with a red cap, he have two
wine bottles on his right hand. Joe is 21, he is good looking with a black hair full of hair wax. Jairo is tall and
looks a young boy, he is blonde with brown eyes and he is another artist like Mary.
Lucas goes in front of Fred and gives him a friendly hug, then says
- Wow, Mary! Your boyfriend is good looking!
Mary looks Lucas laughing and hits him on the arm.
- He is not my boyfriend! You all know I'm lesbian! Silly Lucas!
After, they all goes to the home; it is an old building but it is very pretty, it have a roof with light red color,
a garden without trees and no fence, only few plants, flowers and bushes. The house is in front of the road at a
few metters.
Mary and the four boys enters to the house, there is a living room full of people, music and color lights. Suddenly
Lucas turn off the music, walks to the center of the room and raises the arms
- Oooookay, friends! Please listen to me! This is Fred, a Mary's new friend and our new friend! I
think this man is awesome, so let's give him a warm welcome!
All the people smiles, claps and greetings him. Now Lucas looks and approaches to Fred pointing fast to everyone in
the room
- Okay friend, now... they are Joe, Jairo, Mary, Tanya, Paul, Elisa, Robin, Willian, Caroline, this
is a cool TV and I'm Lucas - welcome with us!
Fred gives thank to Lucas for the welcome.
Time later all friends starts to dinner, Lucas has cooked homemade pizza and burgers, all of the people are asking
to Fred about him. Fred relates a bit of his life; He worked with the police on Seattle and on other cities, but
now is looking for a different life - He loves investigate and the mystery novels, but the work's danger bringed to
him the proposal of stop working for a future marry and family. Now Lucas starts to say a few things about this
friends group.
The group is known by young people around the city, is one of the most friendly groups and some people here have a
techno band. They sometimes play their songs at parties, schools or hospitals to cheer up sick children.
One hour later
After the dinner all people is dancing on the living room, Lucas is on the kitchen with Tanya serving more wine, on
more glasses, to more people - some people is already quite drunk. Fred is sitting on the sofa looking at Mary and
Jairo near him. Jairo has a laptop computer and he and Mary are watching awesome drawings and pictures on an art
web called DeviantART. Fred stands up and walks to the back room of the house, he go to the window and looks out,
the sun goes down on the horizon - The city looks as gold and the man can see the little houses of Raven Street and
other neighborhoods. Fred stays looking the scenery until the fog is cover all and the sun is gone.
Suddenly, the lights turns off. All the house is into an unexpected darkness, Fred hears Lucas scream
- Oh god! Don't worry friends! I will repair this! Please all, come here on the living room!
Fred walks on the middle of darkness touching the walls and furniture, he will take the flashlight but first he
must find his jacket. The man hears some of their new friends far on the living room and kitchen, the dark covers
all, Fred can't see anything. He walks slowly on the hallway and a sound of a broke glass comes from the bathroom.
All the people in the house gets nervous, Lucas screams again
- God dammit! Who is the person breaking stuff? It's only a power outage, calm down!
Fred on the hallway, finds his jacket on the coat rack and turns on the flashlight, then all people on the living
room and Lucas at first runs to the bathroom. The ten friends stops in front of the door. Lucas opens it, Fred
focus the flashlight to the interior; No people inside, but the window is broken. Lucas puts his hands on the head
- Holy crap! What the hell!?

Fred runs to the window and focus the light to the exterior surroundings, nothing strange - only trees with pointy
branches. He can see the road near the house, the light is on at the lampposts. Suddenly the voice of Mary is heard
behind him.
{Mary} - Hey... Where is William?
{Lucas} - He is not with us?
{Caroline} - I saw him go out of the house with his flashlight a few minutes ago, he was drunk.
{Lucas} - Great, oh god we have to find him.
{Fred} - I'll go to find him.
{Lucas} - Not alone, I go with you. Please all, on the kitchen we have candles - light them.
First, Lucas and Fred go out to the back of the house, here is the electricity panel of the house, its switch,
buttons and wires are broken with some perforated holes - someone has nailed something pointed on them to turn off
the house light. After seen that, the two friends runs to the road, the house behind them is completely on the
middle of the dark, they walks on the road, the way have lampposts every few metters, but they are very separated
and the light is lost on the dark woods at two sides. Fred have the flashlight and Lucas cry out William with the
hope to see him safe; the woods of this mountains are dangerous at night, rocks, trees with pointy branches and no
light even on road because the bad position of the lampposts makes people careful with a bit of fear.
Some of the fog is gone and on the sky the stars brights. William does not appears, the friends still walking on
the dark. Lucas ask to Fred what he think about the person who broke the window of his home. Fred tells to him that
the window has broken from the exterior, but nobody was outside and no projectile object like a stone was found
inside the bathroom, something really strange. After a few steps more, they find a body at the middle of the road;
near it is Williams' flashlight, Fred and Lucas runs to the body.
They pick up the body and sits him on the road, William look to them blinded by the light of Fred's flashlight,
William seems to be okay, is only drunk. Suddenly he looks to one direction of the highway and point it with the
hand, Lucas lift up William and takes him return to home with the other flashlight. Fred looks at the direction
pointed by William; there is a distant lamppost at the right side of the road, under the light ray something small
circular is on the cold highway and it doesn't looks as an animal - few seconds later that object moves at high
speed to the right and disappears under the dark of the lamppost and trees, Fred go back one step, frightened.
- Lucas, please... Takes William return to your house, I will return later in a few minutes, ok?
- Wait, what? What are you doing?
- Don't worry, I will return - I just see something strange...
- God... okay them. Please be careful, see you now.
Fred walks to the lamppost where he seen the object, there is nothing strange - but he is sure that the object was
real. He gets off the road and walks between the trees and bushes to the deep forest.
The dark night is now the Fred companion, and the trees branches scratch his body. He have too much questions on
his mind and he will don't tolerate more questions without answers.